I’m having trouble signing in to the Clim8® app

Last updated on August 21, 2024

Sign in with Google or Apple

If you have any problem signing in with this method, please contact our Support team by submitting a request from this website.

Sign in with your email address

With this easy and secure passwordless method, you will receive a link to log in or create your account.

If you do not receive the email:

  1. Verify in the Clim8® app that the email address you provided is correct. If so, try again.
  2. Check if the email has been received in your spam folder. If so, please unmark the email as spam.
  3. If you have used the Google or Apple sign in method before, please use the same connection method.
  4. Your email provider might have additional security measures in place that block incoming emails from unknown domain names. This is often the case for e-mail addresses of companies, universities, governments… In that case, please create a Clim8® account with another e-mail address, if possible a personal one.

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“I’m having trouble signing in to the Clim8® app”